
General STARTUP IDEA Jadeer

Idea Description

Are you a food truck entrepreneur looking to grow your business? Introducing Kushik, the app can help you rent or sell food trucks with ease. The user of this application can enter it as a buyer or renter. As a retailer, you must fill out some forms to ensure that your food turck is government-approved and in good condition. As a buyer, you need to fill out the information section to make it easier for the customer to find your Kushik.

The app will gather all owners of FoodTurk across the country. and as you choose the location, all available Kushiks will appear.

As a food business owner, you may require a food truck to sell your food at festivals, events, or other frequently active locations. So Kushik will be there for you.

In the future, we hope that we will have our own brand of food truck, so we will buy and rent our own truck.

The app's primary source of revenue will be a small percentage of all successful payments.

Challenges The Idea is Addressing

1- Difficult to have licensing and r regulations for food truck. 2- Most food buyer in huge event have not a ready and safe place to work on it.

Benefits of Idea Implementation

1- ease to rent and buy a food truck 2- enhance the concept of using food truck for home food business

Keywords / Tags

Food truck rent

Proposed Number of Team Members


Keywords / Tags

Food truck rent

Team Members

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168167464349Neon Green Simple Modern Sticker Name Logo.png

Last Update:- 16 April 2023


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